Tuesday, April 15, 2008

More tests

Last weekend we went in for another blood test w/ the Endocrinologist. The worst part was that it took them 5 tries to get his IV in...three nurses tried, a doctor, and they finally had to get an Anesthesiologist to get it in. Poor little guy. But the testing is finally done. The doctor had the results from the first test. He said that in that test, David was producing high levels of growth hormones. We still have to wait for the second set of tests to come back. But it sounds like what they need to figure out is, if he is producing lots of growth hormones, why is his liver not processing the hormones? More to come on that...we have the appointment w/ the Endocrinologist on April 29th. I'm sure we'll have lots of questions.

David made out like a bandit in the hospital though...he got a giraffe, a beanie baby and a big stuffed teddy bear. The nurses must think he is as cute as I think he is!

1 comment:

Ana Wambeke said...

He IS cute!!! I don't blame those nurses for showering him with cute things!