Friday, October 7, 2011

Friday night at the ER

Thought I'd put the cutest picture first and not scare you too much.

We had hours to kill, so David attempted his first Plank. At this point in the night I knew he was feeling better. In a hospital gown and Star Wars underwear - classic!
David took a huge digger at Preschool today. In true David fashion, he was running crazy fast on the playground with a metal Tonka Truck. The Tonka Truck won. Damon got a call from school to come and get him right away. When I got home he was kinda 'out-of-it' and didn't remember how he got hurt or where he got hurt. I decided to take him to Children's just to make sure he was ok because he was acting quite strange. Don't you love how these things ALWAYS happen after clinic hours. The doctor wanted to do a CT Scan to check him out. He has a loose front tooth, bruised gums and lots of scrapes that the doctor said look way worse than they really are. I have a feeling this won't be my only trip to the ER with my wild boys.
David was such a trooper and was so good the whole time we were there. I was so proud of him. THANK YOU CAROL for rushing over to watch Mikko because Damon had a gig in Rochester.

1 comment:

Jen and Todd said...

Glad your little man is okay! Have a great weekend!