Saturday, January 16, 2010

Sesame Street Live

Being Silly on Daddy's Lap

Sesame Street Live

We loved that Wally the Beerman works Sesame Street shows!

Grandma bought David an Elmo balloon.

It was a bargain at $10!

Watching the show on Mommy's lap

David loved running in the skyway

After the show we went to Savoy for Pizza in St. Paul on our way to pick up Mikko at Auntie Carrie's

Grandma Carol took us to Sesame Street Live at Target Center on Saturday Morning.
David sat and watch the whole first half and made it through most of the 2nd half. We had so much fun - David was funny and well behaved! He even got ice cream at 10:30 in the morning!


Little Leah said...

That 2nd picture of David in his Cosby sweater is so cute-we want a copy!

Jen and Todd said...

I loved these pictures, David looks so happy! Now I want Savoy, too!