My little Mikko!
I thought the black and white would hide the gobs of snot under his nose - YUCK.
With all the toys he has, here he is playing with the buttons on the DVR.
Knobs are fun.
Knobs are fun.
Mikko is 11 months old today. The pictures today were pretty tough as Mikko's nose is like a faucet. Our house has been hit with the Spring bug.
______________________________Mikko is now pulling himself up on everything. He has a fascination with drawers, and slamming his fingers into them. He is a very active boy. Damon thinks he is going to be a mountain climber when he grows up. He is 20 lb 3 oz. which means when he turns a year we can turn his car seat around!
I can't believe my next post will be 1 Year. My babies are growing up :) and :(
Wow, I can't believe he is almost 1 yr old, that sure went by fast.
Maybe it's time for another baby Auntie...
Only if you want an Aunt who went to the Asylum. 2 boys is enough for me.
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