Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Santa Came!

Christmas Eve turned into an interesting night of sleep for the Lee Family. Mikko would NOT sleep and I mean it. We were up for hours with him. Luckily The Christmas Story marathon was on and I watched it about 3 times for entertainment in the middle of the night. And then, at about 3AM David came out of the bedroom puking all over the place. He was up for a couple hours throwing up. I really thought Christmas would be ruined for him, but to my delight, when he woke up (on the living room floor) in the morning he instantly remembered that Santa came and snuck into the room super excited about the day!
Mikko's first glimpse at the train that was running on the track.

He was so delighted!

I don't think any of his other toys were as exciting!

Super awesome pick-up truck and 4-wheeler.

And a Transformer - couldn't get any more "boy" that this!

Grandma read him his new Thomas Christmas book.

Mikko literally spent the day watching his train.

We built tunnels for it to go through.

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