Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Day 2010

Jimmy hanging out with me while we waited for everyone else to wake up.

The Lee Household is notorious for waking up early, EXCEPT for today. I was up at 6 o-clock, with Jimmy, waiting for everyone to get up to see that Santa had come overnight. At 8:00 I went and opened the boys doors, at 8:15 I turned their lights on, finally at 8:30 David woke up and quickly remembered that it was CHRISTMAS. He ran upstairs to wake up Daddy.

The first thing David noticed was that Santa put candy canes all over the Christmas tree again. He couldn't figure out how Santa got them to the top of the tree, apparently he thinks Santa is really short because he wouldn't even believe that I told David he used our step stool.

Trying to get a picture of the 2 boys under the tree.

David is already 100% into his first candy cane.

Mikko opened a Thomas the Train - his favorite!

Pillow Pets. David's only request from Santa!

David asked for a Dog Pillow Pet, Mikko got a Cow.

Mikko was mesmerized by this toy.

Jim and Fox eating their treats from Santa.

David got Hot Chocolate Mix in his stocking, Santa must know he loves it.

And scissors, Santa somehow knows all his favorite things.

David got this cool video game from Grandma Carol. Mikko loved watching him play.

And he liked to play too. Here he is in his Super Mikko cape.

Sharing w/ Grandma Carol.

Uncle Bob helped put David's new Scooter together.

Away he goes. This was a last minute idea that Santa had that is truly a hit!

Mikko passed out in his Super Mikko cape on a plastic bag. Christmas is exhausting!

Feeling so blessed today to have a perfect family to celebrate Christmas with.
The boys were so good through all the craziness the last 3 days. They are so lucky to have such wonderful grandmas, grandpas, aunts, uncles and cousins who love them so much.

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